Here some memorable events of 2011, cheers!
Best purchase: Zorro (or D'Angelo if you prefer) hands down. I can not tell you how much I love love love waking up to an espresso bar in my house. It has triggered my inner coffee-snob-ness.
Most blog-worthy meal that didn't make it to the blog: Daniel's Thai Pork and Noodle Soup. It was so good, and could be adapted to veggie friendly. If you don't know, I had a New Year's resolution last year to make one new meal a week. As far as New Year's resolutions, I did pretty good (faltered in June, right after school was out). I am lucky enough that I have a wonderful husband who likes to (and is good at) cook. He took up my yoke and continued on with the

Roast Beefyist: Kelly's Roast Beef in Revere (just ride Daniel's favorite blue line train)
Worst overall (in the everything category): My garden which produced such a weak harvest that it seemed that the only thing I could grow this year was albino carrots.

Most likely to take a snakey lick: Atticus salivating over Ellen's breakfast in July.
Best food product that I didn't' know I was missing out on: Fluff
There you have it...that was my year in a nut shell.
And in case you were wondering, I did make a resolution for this year. My goal is to become less wasteful in all aspects of my life, but particularly with food. I already recycle everything that could possibly be recycled, but I noticed that we have a hard time finishing produce, fruit, etc. before it goes bad. So this year I will try to purchase only what I need, and then eat/cook/freeze/dry the leftovers. "Precycle" if you will. Hold me to it Charders.
Anyone else have any superlatives to share? Resolutions?